Friday, September 15, 2006

Epic Up-date Part 1: The dump.....continued!

I don't really have that much more to add to the dump section of the epic-update....just a few more funny photos. So, where was I? Oh yeah, so there was about a metre and a bit of fresh pow, and we were ripping it around for a few days....there weren't really any pistes per se, just bits you should ski, and bits your teachers advised you not to ski. Herein lies the problem you can see below - Tety, my rather attractive (though unfortunately married to a rather butch mountain rescue dude with one kid) teacher for a couple of weeks, let us loose down a wicked valley full of fresh deep stuff, with the rather sound advice that you should stay to the far right, in the trees. And that if you go out of the trees, into the bamboo stuff, you might have problems geting back onto the piste. Did I listen.....ummmm, no:

So, I got a little stuck, but wasn't phased, since the worst that could really happen in that kind of snow was that I'd fall on my head, loose both my skis rather dramatically, and look like a bit of a willy. As it happens (and even though you can't see it in the action shot, I can asure you it is true), I landed it like the god I am!!!

Well, I could go on like this for ages, but there are too many photos to put up, and it takes FOR EVER to upload them from here. But here is another nice shot of Benji and Tety (after they sent me down to take pictures, the bastards) coming out of the trees on Secondo Lomo (Emma, you should remember that)......and the shot below that portrays Benji, hidden by the snow explosion, stacking it about 3/4 of the way down. Love it. I've got to go to a meeting now to go over snow-plough and other such activities - but I'll be putting up loads more photos and stories very soon. Still to come.....loads of sick park piccies, night skiing, and our trip to Esquel x x x

Monday, September 11, 2006

Epic Up-date Part 1: The dump.....of snow, not the other stuff

So, three've heard're probably pissed off by now that I haven't posted any photographs, or written of any amazing adventures [nodding all-round]. I thought so. Well, I've got a couple of days off for reasons I shant reveal for fear that my mother will freak out and try to fly all the way to Bariloche just to give me a hug and say everything will be alright (I love you mom!). I'm going to try to catch up on as much of the past three weeks as possible.....and I'm going to split this massive bit of info up into different parts, just in case the internet crashes (which it does frequently, usually when a local duck sneezes 300 meters out on the lake) mid-writting.

Well, this one time, in Bariloche, they had a meter and half of snow fall in three fact, it was the largest dump of snow that had fallen on record since 1986. This happened three weeks ago.....and I skied every single day of it, hahahahahahah.

This is what it looked like the day after the evening it started snowing (see below, fig. 3a)......we were allowed up the mountain, but only the mini-gondola was open.....all the other lifts we were snowed in, and would remain so for the next three days.

This is the same day.....a couple of groups met up and ripped it around the lower half of the mountain.....we were tree-skiing the majority of the day, but amazingly this is actually one of the main piste areas, rather than off-piste which it more or less resembles:

This is the same "piste" but a bit further down...a group of us try to do some skiing in unison, but clearly no-one could keep up with the legend that is me!! The group is as follows (from left to right): Stuwie, with Phil just behind, then me at the front (naturally), Max, Chris, and then Joe on the far right.....

As soon as it actually stopped shitting it down with the good stuff, we were able to safely ski the trees that litter the lower half of the resort....there are some areas were they are perfectly spaced - not so tight that you slam into them or get stuck if you're a bit of a fatty, but spaced nicely so that loads of snow gets in while still feeling like you are skiing in an enclosed forest!! Anyway, here's a selection of picies from that day, with a few modeling shots thrown in for the ladies!!

This first one is a view through the beautiful trees, with the snow can't really tell, but there's about a meter of the fluffy stuff just waiting to be massacred, or carressed depending on your attitude to skiing powder!!

Yep, I know what you're! And you're not wrong

TITLE: Boys in 'da Wood (From Left: Flange, Stewart the Great, King Louis)

This is another photo of my good pal Benji.....he was the dude trecking up to the top of the mountain (with the pretty blue sky background) in the photos from the Avalanche rescue trip to go to bed now, but will pick up where I left off tomorrow x x