Sunday, August 20, 2006

Happy days.....

So, it's been two weeks since I last put anything up......I know, I'm lame and pathetic and lazy.......and skiing everyday, and having way to much fun in the evenings to write anything hahahahahahahhhahaha!!! Hope I didn't make you jealous. Well, I've decided to make an attempt to catch up on the last two weeks. I don't know how far I'm going to get now, since we're all leaving in about two hours to go to another ski resort for one week for our freestyle/slopestyle and race clinics. I'm going to go out for a cigarette now, but in the time that I'm gone, I hope that these two wicked photos I took will have uploaded!!

Ok, so they're done!!

The first one is a dual effort by me (the photo is taken of the reflection in my goggles and "directed" by me!), and Benji, my room-mate, who actually took the photo. Anyway, in the background is the rest of the group chilling while we stopped for lunch at the top of Laguna (or something that sounds like that) during our avalanche safety training day.

This is a photo of Benji himself, in the middle of hiking up to the top of Laguna after the training finished, and just before we were allowed to rip it back down to the bottom.

Oh, and the trip is now up to three casualities, in order of occurance: Ryan - cracked heel-bone on day three (!) resulting in surgery and a flight home two days ago....Ally - broken fibia, hard cast, no surgery, still here, and will be swimming soon.....and most recently, Jo - broke two small bones in the top of her hand yesterday when hitting a tree, returned with cast yesterday evening, and still really pissed off (understandably so)....but should be skiing soon.....apparently. I'm am only reporting all of these injuries because they haven't happened to me, and I wish there to be a record that this kind of stuff does happen to other people.....I feel really sorry for them though :-(

In the words of Chris Geddes, 'Peace Out'......I'll put more stuff up soon.....still to come - the story of the meter and a half of snow that fell in 3 days, night skiing, on becoming a park monkey, midnight swimming in 2 degree water, and many more crazy adventures!!

Emma - this last photo is for you, I though you might appreciate the mountain, silhouette, mist, water style you love so much x x x x x

Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm back...

Right, sorry about ending so abrubtly last I said, a few of us were going into town to check out some local shops, etc. We managed to grab a hangover-recovery pizza and then, unfortunately for the other guys, I found the local guitar shop!! Eventually I was dragged kicking and screaming from the store, and we spent the entire afternoon in a seriously cheap and amazing pool hall.

Anyway, back to the whole skiing thing. We arrived in the evening on Sunday, before skiing on the monday morning, so had very little idea of what our surroundings were like. We all got a massive shock when we arose to one of the most incredible views I've ever stood in front of (I hope you like the arty shot with the geese taking off!). The resort is not really walking distance, we get a mini-bus from the hostel El Returno at 8.15 every morning (after getting up at 7.00 and going for a run and a stretch followed by a massive breaky - I know, it's worse than university!), and jump on the first lift from the lift base, which is about a 15 minute death-defying drive away.

We've had mixed weather so far, mostly cloudy, except for the first day (please see amazing mountains above cloud-line photo), and saturday afternoon, when we did our avalanche training - I never realised probing was so much fun - with some stupidly hard-core mountain-guide dudes. Pictured here is Niko, probe in hand....apparently he is a bit of a Bariloche legend, and once spent a whole week living in the mountains living off nothing but snow and his own urine....apparently.

So, up until now we've been finding our feet, and learning our way around the mountain. All the skiers have been split up into four groups...luckily I've been put into the top one (no surprises there then), and our teacher is an ex-olympic downhill skier, and even more of a legen than the yellow-snow-cone-eating-mountian-dude I mentioned earlier. His name is Ivan, he skies with his boots undone most of the time, never wears goggles, regardless of how hard it is snowing, and has a massive squint.....which is a little off-putting to say the least.

Weeeell, I'm getting kind of sleepy now - very long days don't you know - but I'll leave you all (especially Miss Boon) with the knowledge that it's now been dumping solidly for two days and two nights now, and I had the best day of skiing ever today.....tree skiing and even piste skiing in three and a half foot of powder - that's waist deep know, the kind of snow that hits you in the face on every turn. Apparently we've been very lucky with the snow!!

I've also been getting back into some photography, and I'm going to wack up another post straight after this one with a couple of my favourites.

Goodbye for now, beunos noches - L x x x

p.s. I promise to a) put up some more skiing photos (especially from our mega-pow day today.....and b) start writing on a regular basis about stuff as it happens - there's only so long I can keep up this "I'm too busy settling in" bullshit!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hello from Argentina!!

Basically I've now been in Argentina for a week, but I've been so busy getting started over here, and travelling around, that I haven't had a chance to post anything. Soooo, I'm going to do a kind of back-dated diary of events from the last few days. We flew into BA on a friday morning after leaving Gatwick the afternoon before. Unfortunately our flight from London was delayed so that when we arrived in Madrid for our change-over, we had to run to catch the plane. Sadly, our luggage didn't make it. So, on arriving in BA, we left the airport armed only with our hand luggage, and no spare change of clothes. Luckily this wasn't a problem for me, and even when our bags did turn up, I continued to wear the same trousers and t-shirt for the next three days.

Anyway, we did a bit of sight seeing in the old port of BA, known as La Boca......there was quite an interesting moment when I was chased around the streets by a scary transvestite. Even though he wasn't in drag at the time, he had some very fetching painted on eyebrows - and he kept insisting that I come to a private viewing of a rehearsal for his "show".

We had a few huge nights out when we were in BA - luckily for us the exchange rate is such that we are all basically minted....last saturday I drank champagne the entire night and barely spent £30 the entire night. It's easy being pimp here.....even for someone like me!! We also went out to some traditonal flamenco restaurant, and had the challenge of eating huge amounts of tapas while drooling over the dancers.

Ummm, even though I said I would fill you in on everything up to this moment in time, I can't finish writing it at present, as we're all about to go into Bariloche to look at some shops and get some lunch, but I'll finish the rest off this evening.

Beunos dias - L x