Sunday, August 20, 2006

Happy days.....

So, it's been two weeks since I last put anything up......I know, I'm lame and pathetic and lazy.......and skiing everyday, and having way to much fun in the evenings to write anything hahahahahahahhhahaha!!! Hope I didn't make you jealous. Well, I've decided to make an attempt to catch up on the last two weeks. I don't know how far I'm going to get now, since we're all leaving in about two hours to go to another ski resort for one week for our freestyle/slopestyle and race clinics. I'm going to go out for a cigarette now, but in the time that I'm gone, I hope that these two wicked photos I took will have uploaded!!

Ok, so they're done!!

The first one is a dual effort by me (the photo is taken of the reflection in my goggles and "directed" by me!), and Benji, my room-mate, who actually took the photo. Anyway, in the background is the rest of the group chilling while we stopped for lunch at the top of Laguna (or something that sounds like that) during our avalanche safety training day.

This is a photo of Benji himself, in the middle of hiking up to the top of Laguna after the training finished, and just before we were allowed to rip it back down to the bottom.

Oh, and the trip is now up to three casualities, in order of occurance: Ryan - cracked heel-bone on day three (!) resulting in surgery and a flight home two days ago....Ally - broken fibia, hard cast, no surgery, still here, and will be swimming soon.....and most recently, Jo - broke two small bones in the top of her hand yesterday when hitting a tree, returned with cast yesterday evening, and still really pissed off (understandably so)....but should be skiing soon.....apparently. I'm am only reporting all of these injuries because they haven't happened to me, and I wish there to be a record that this kind of stuff does happen to other people.....I feel really sorry for them though :-(

In the words of Chris Geddes, 'Peace Out'......I'll put more stuff up soon.....still to come - the story of the meter and a half of snow that fell in 3 days, night skiing, on becoming a park monkey, midnight swimming in 2 degree water, and many more crazy adventures!!

Emma - this last photo is for you, I though you might appreciate the mountain, silhouette, mist, water style you love so much x x x x x


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