Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hello from Argentina!!

Basically I've now been in Argentina for a week, but I've been so busy getting started over here, and travelling around, that I haven't had a chance to post anything. Soooo, I'm going to do a kind of back-dated diary of events from the last few days. We flew into BA on a friday morning after leaving Gatwick the afternoon before. Unfortunately our flight from London was delayed so that when we arrived in Madrid for our change-over, we had to run to catch the plane. Sadly, our luggage didn't make it. So, on arriving in BA, we left the airport armed only with our hand luggage, and no spare change of clothes. Luckily this wasn't a problem for me, and even when our bags did turn up, I continued to wear the same trousers and t-shirt for the next three days.

Anyway, we did a bit of sight seeing in the old port of BA, known as La Boca......there was quite an interesting moment when I was chased around the streets by a scary transvestite. Even though he wasn't in drag at the time, he had some very fetching painted on eyebrows - and he kept insisting that I come to a private viewing of a rehearsal for his "show".

We had a few huge nights out when we were in BA - luckily for us the exchange rate is such that we are all basically minted....last saturday I drank champagne the entire night and barely spent £30 the entire night. It's easy being pimp here.....even for someone like me!! We also went out to some traditonal flamenco restaurant, and had the challenge of eating huge amounts of tapas while drooling over the dancers.

Ummm, even though I said I would fill you in on everything up to this moment in time, I can't finish writing it at present, as we're all about to go into Bariloche to look at some shops and get some lunch, but I'll finish the rest off this evening.

Beunos dias - L x


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